La gamme STICKY-KICKS comporte 4 produits, je vous laisse le soin de la traduction pour vous faire une idée, il faudra de toute façon essayer, il y a tellement de variable........
WHITE : Our New Insane Maximum Traction. Recommended for those who can never get enough bite. The team has called in Liquid Velcro. Best on Wet clay but also great for dry, bluegroove and carpet/asphalt. Our #1 seller.
piste trés glissante
RED : Maximum Traction. Recommended for low moisture or dry track surfaces
piste glissante
PINK : Medium Traction. Recommended for multiple surfaces, including blue groove and on-road asphalt. A very versatile formula with its own unique feel and awesome grip!
GREEN : Less Traction (Still great traction). Recommended for wet clay and high traction surfaces. Green provides amazing grip but allows the car to still feel 'free' and not as locked to the track like the feel of 'White'.
piste avec du grip
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